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or contact us directly:
Ian Gronbech
+31 6 2114 5675
Ian has over 30 years of experience in financial reporting, strategic planning and change management.
He has held senior management and consulting positions within multiple industry sectors as well as being a qualified Chartered Accountant. After gaining his MA in Physics from Cambridge University, Ian worked for some years as an auditor with PWC.
Erik Slot
+31 6 549 548 08
Erik has extensive experience in senior commercial and financial positions in the chemicals sector and has worked in highly regulated environments where good documentation and attention to detail are core skills. His consulting experience covers many industries including software, logistics banking and automotive. Erik earned his Masters in Economics at the University of Amsterdam.
We are a team of like-minded people who are concerned about the threats to the Environment, Society and the Economy. We enjoy the beauty and grandeur of nature and of learning about new cultures. We do what we can to live a more sustainable life and improve our own impact on the planet, but we want to help others become more sustainable too.
Sustainable development and business is defined as that which “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. That means that businesses should not be exploiting people and natural resources with no concern for the long-term impact for the sake of making a quick profit.
Governments legislate for changes, but the economy is driven by businesses and improving a business can have a much bigger positive impact than just changing your personal habits. We want to help companies make a change for the better, when it is often not clear how to approach this challenge or to comply with all the diverse legislation and guidance on the subject.
We started AskIE with a view to answering the question which many growing companies have, which is:
“How can our company become Sustainable, and still remain profitable?”